Feed Up with Endless Efforts With No Results?

Quick, Effortless “Done For You” Solution Makes Us $119.12/Day -No list, Traffic, Technical Skills, or Experience Needed!

Enjoy effortless earnings by selling dfy videos to local businesses

Click Play To See Local Video Matic In Action!



  • 100% Done For You
  • No Experience Needed
  • Zero Technical Stuff
  • No List Required
  • Few Minutes Of Work
  • Begginer Friendly
  • No Software Needed
  • No Download or Install
  • 100% Fully Customizable
  • Step by Step training included
  • Free Traffic Client Getting Method Included
  • 24/7 Support
  • Commercial License
  • Free DFY Website
  • Unrestricted PLR Included

Get Local Video Matic A One Time Price

Usually $67, Today Only 1-Time $27.95

Local Video Matic Make Us

Results Like This

Keep Reading To Find Out How…

Dear Struggling Entreprenuer

Stop wasting your time searching for solutions! We've got the ultimate secret to help you make money today:

If you're anything like me, you've likely found yourself jumping from one enticing opportunity to the next, chasing every shiny object that crosses your path.

You took action, invested your time and effort, and what did you get in return? Zilch, nada, nothing!

I've been there, I've walked in those same shoes, and I get it.

It was a repetitive cycle, endlessly searching for that one magic formula that would truly deliver results. And then, suddenly, it happened – I stumbled upon a game-changer, a real winner!

Video Marketing For Local Businesses

Local Businesses NEED New Leads And There’s One Proven Way to Generate Leads!

I’m talking about VIDEO

In today's digital world, more people prefer watching videos over reading. This video trend is growing every day.

And you can turn it into a steady income stream by selling Local Business Videos.

You might be wondering, "I don't have the know-how for this. It appears complex, and I may require special software and skills."

The good news is, that used to be the case... until now!

You See Local Video Matic

Is a complete Done-For-You solution that will guide you every step of the way.

You don't need to have any prior knowledge about video production or video editing.

In fact, you won't have to download any video editing software or rely on the outdated Microsoft video templates.

There's no need to download or install anything on your computer.

An Internet connection and a working laptop or even mobile phone is all you need.

Within just a few minutes of work, you can get up and running and start profiting without any technical skills, knowledge, experience, list or any other usual technical stuff.

Get Local Video Matic A One Time Price

Usually $67, Today Only 1-Time $27.95




A Complete Done-For-You Solution to Kickstart Your Income Stream by Selling Videos to Local Businesses

Get your hands on 30 DFY Top notch client getting videos across diverse modern, hot and trending niches. Supercharge your success with a Client Acquisition Formula that leverages Free Traffic. No skills, technical knowledge, or prior experience required.

“Kickstart your own passive online business without tech skills or

experience - Get started in the next 10 minutes from now…”

Grab It Now - Before We Sell Out…

Get Local Video Matic A One Time Price

Usually $67, Today Only 1-Time $27.95

There are 3 MAIN REASONS why Local Business Owners don’t use video to promote their business

Hard Work

Generating videos from the ground up is a demanding process that calls for substantial commitment and dedication.

It involves numerous intricate steps, such as planning, scripting, shooting, editing, and post-production, all of which demand careful attention and hard work to achieve a polished final product.


Investing in high-quality video clips and background music can take a considerable chunk out of your budget.

This includes purchasing licenses or hiring professionals to ensure your video content looks and sounds impressive.

It's a financial commitment that plays a crucial role in creating a captivating and engaging final product.


Mastering the art of video editing can be complex and time-consuming.

It involves a substantial time investment to understand the intricacies of the software, learn various editing techniques, and perfect your skills to create polished video content.

Here's where you can make a difference!

Within just a few minutes, you can create a professional, high-quality video for them. Turnning into easy money in your pocket

You don’t need to be an expert in video editing, in fact you don’t need to know anything about making videos.

All you need is Canva free account

This is the Easiest And Fastest Way to create AMAZING Local Business Videos.

You can do that in 3 Simple Steps:

Step 1 . Import Template

Step 2 . Change business name, email, phone number & Website

Step 3 . Export as video format

It's that Simple.

Get Local Video Matic A One Time Price

Usually $67, Today Only 1-Time $27.95

You can use this

Done-For-You Hand Pick Video Pack

over and over again to create as many videos

for Local Businesses as you need.

Why You Must Grab

Local Video Matic.

(Do It Now Before It Expires...)

  • 100% Done For You
  • Zero Technical Stuff
  • Few Minutes Of Work
  • No Software Needed
  • No Download or Install
  • 100% Fully Customizable
  • Step by Step training included
  • Free Traffic Client Getting Method Included
  • 24/7 Support
  • Commericial License Included
  • Free DFY Website
  • Unrestricted PLR Included

Get Local Video Matic A One Time Price

Usually $67, Today Only 1-Time $27.95

And Oh, Did I Mention

This Includes an Unrestricted PLR License?

You can put your name as the creator and sell it anywhere. It doesn't matter if you want to sell it on ClickBank, Etsy, JVZoo, or even Warrior Plus. You can do what whatever you want.

  • Total Ownership: You gain complete control and ownership of "Local Video Matic" to rebrand it as your very own product.
  • Unlimited Potential: Sell it over and over again without any limitations or restrictions, allowing for unlimited income potential.
  • Wide Sales Platform: Sell the rebranded product on various platforms, including ClickBank, Etsy, JVZoo, Warrior Plus, or wherever you see fit.
  • Relaunch Option: You have the freedom to relaunch the product on Warrior Plus or other platforms, giving you multiple opportunities for success.
  • No Product Development: Skip the time-consuming product creation process, saving you months of work and research.
  • Instant Authority: Build instant authority and credibility in your niche as the creator of a high-quality product.
  • No Inventory Worries: Unlike physical products, digital products don't require inventory management, reducing your overhead costs and simplifying the process.
  • Maximize Profit: Capitalize on the appeal of owning and selling your own digital product, allowing you to maximize your earnings.

You can RESELL

THESE TEMPLATES as your own product without any restrictions

Keep reading.....

  • Total Ownership
  • Put Your Name As The Creator
  • Unlimited Earnings
  • 100% Total Control
  • Control Your Income
  • Instant Authority
  • No Product Development
  • No Inventory Worries
  • Unrestricted Private Label Rights

And Get This...

We take the success of our customers SERIOUSLY…

That’s why we developed a custom bonuses package…

That will accelerate your results…



With this bonus, you'll receive a fully set-up agency website, complete with free hosting, making it a breeze to showcase your services and attract clients. Take your income stream to new heights with no technical skills needed.

( Worth $297 )



This bonus provides you with a ready-made prospecting video that will captivate potential clients and get them interested in your services. Elevate your success with this bonusYour path to generating income from local businesses has never been easier.

( Worth $197 )



This bonus delivers a pre-written email designed to grab the attention of potential clients and initiate valuable conversations. Elevate your outreach game with this bonus.

( Worth $97 )



This bonus offers you a pre-made social media post that's primed to engage your audience and spark interest from potential clients. Enhance your outreach efforts and attract new opportunities with this valuable addition to "Local Video Matic."

( Worth $110 )



This formula is your roadmap to acquiring clients effectively and efficiently. With this bonus, you'll have a proven strategy at your fingertips to attract, engage, and secure local businesses as your clients.

( Worth $97 )

For Limited Time Only

Special Launch Period Price Of $27.95

  • Local Video Matic- 30 DFY Top notch client getting videos
    ($397 Value)
  • Word-class support - ran into an issue? No problem, we are here to figure it out for you (worth priceless)
  • Commerical License - Create unlimited videos for your clients, as many as you want, at no extra cost ($1997 Value)
  • Unrestricted PLR License - You can put your name as the creator and sell it anywhere ($1997 Value)
  • DFY AGENCY WEBSITE ($297 Value)

TOTAL COST: $5,380

Special Launch Period Price Of $27.95

Get Local Video Matic A One Time Price

Usually $67, Today Only 1-Time $27.95

Take A Look At

What Early Users Are Saying:

Get Local Video Matic A One Time Price

Usually $67, Today Only 1-Time $27.95

Jer Callora

Dear Entrepreneur,

I'm Jer Callora.

Just an ordinary online dude, digital product creator and affiliate marketer.

I love creating videos. I have a 2-year-old son and a loving wife. I'm not a video expert, but I have spent countless hours learning and perfecting my craft.


What is Local Video Matic, and how does it work?

Local Video Matic is a "Done For You" solution designed to help you earn extra income by selling videos to local businesses. It offers ready-made videos and a client acquisition formula. You can create high-quality videos for businesses with just a few simple steps.

Do I need any technical skills or experience to use Local Video Matic?

No, you don't need any technical skills or prior experience. Local Video Matic is designed to be beginner-friendly, and you can create professional videos with just a few minutes of work.

What tools or software do I need to use Local Video Matic?

You don't need any specialized software or tools. Local Video Matic can be used with a free Canva account, which is an easy-to-use graphic design platform.

What is included with Local Video Matic?

Local Video Matic provides 30 Done-For-You client-getting videos, a client acquisition formula, step-by-step training, free traffic methods, 24/7 support, a commercial license, and a free agency website.

Is there a refund policy for Local Video Matic?

Local Video Matic has a no-refund policy due to the nature of digital assets. Once you acquire the product, refunds are unavailable. It's important to be certain about your purchase before proceeding.

Get Local Video Matic A One Time Price

Usually $67, Today Only 1-Time $27.95

Refund Policy:

Our policy is crystal clear - there are NO refunds. This isn't a standard "product purchase." It's an asset acquisition. Digital content doesn't allow for refunds, as we can't reclaim the asset. If you're not completely sure about your purchase, please reconsider. When you buy, you're acknowledging that refunds are unavailable. All sales are indeed final.


The earnings or income examples provided are not a guarantee of your potential earnings. Your income can vary based on several factors, including your effort, time, and the market in which you operate. The success stories shared are not a representation of typical results, but rather the achievements of certain individuals.

Local Video Matic does not guarantee that you will achieve the same level of success. Your success in earning extra income or making any income at all depends on your commitment, hard work, and ability to utilize the provided resources effectively.

Earnings and income potential differ from person to person, and we cannot promise that you will achieve the same results as the individuals featured in our success stories. Any claims or representations of earnings or income are not intended to serve as a guarantee.

By using Local Video Matic or any other product or service provided by us, you agree that we are not responsible for any loss, financial or otherwise, that may occur as a result of your use of the product. Any reliance you place on such information is at your own risk.

We encourage you to make an informed decision regarding any opportunities or products, and to seek advice from professionals if needed, before making any investment or financial decisions.

Please be aware that success in earning income through the methods described in Local Video Matic requires time, effort, and dedication, and there is no assurance of specific results.

This website in no way is affiliated with facebook or google entities. Once you leave facebook the responsibility no longer is on their site. We make every attempt to clearly state and show all proof. We do not sell your email or any information. CAN-SPAM compliant. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us here. All trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners. This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by any business listed on this page nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by any other company listed on this page. The results shown are not typical and results will vary based on your market, your efforts, competition and many other factors outside of our control.

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